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Monday the 11th
Tuesday the 12th
Wednesday the 13th
08:00 — 09:00
Conference Open
09:00 — 10:00
Networking Breakfast and Acceleration Stage: Showcase Pavilion Dublin

The Forum

Luke Kehoe picture
Luke Kehoe
10:00 — 10:10
Mainstage Day 1: Welcome Address from TIP's Chairman

The Auditorium

A lot has happened in the industry and within TIP since Fyuz23. Open RAN has become the
accepted architecture for future RAN development, and leading operators have announced
agreements with vendors and initiated procurement processes for large scale deployments.
Deployment of solutions based on work done in TIP’s OOPT and OpenLAN Project Groups is
accelerating, and new project groups have been established for exploring AI for TelCos, and for
developing new operational models for Neutral Hosts and shared infrastructure.

TIP’s chairman will reflect on the progress in the industry and how TIP is enabling acceleration
of development and deployment, for the benefit of the community as a whole.


Yago Tenorio picture
Yago Tenorio
10:10 — 10:20
Mainstage Day 1: TIP Opening Keynote

The Auditorium

During 2024, the TIP community has been focusing on activities that accelerate development
and deployment of solutions and operational models defined in its Project Groups. A new
membership model has been introduced, many new industry participants have joined TIP to
participate in its initiatives, and the governance of the community has been developed further.

TIP’s Executive Director Kristian Toivo will give an update on progress within the community
during 2024, and highlight focus areas for 2025.


Kristian Toivo picture
Kristian Toivo
10:20 — 10:30
Mainstage Day 1: Welcome from the Host City

The Auditorium

Jamie Cudden picture
Jamie Cudden
10:30 — 10:40
Mainstage Day 1: Case study 1: Open RAN - ATT + Ericsson

The Auditorium

10:40 — 10:50
Mainstage Day 1: Case Study 2: DT on Open RAN

The Auditorium


10:50 — 11:00
Mainstage Day 1: OOPT Case Study: Benchmarking of Commercially Available Optical Coherent Pluggables for IPoDWDM Solutions in Telefónica Group

The Auditorium

Telefónica group is one of the leading operators worldwide fostering innovation in the standardization of open APIs and pioneers in the commercial deployment of open transport solutions.

One of the areas Telefónica is putting their attention is the transformation of the Optical Transport network architecture with the advent of new high-capacity pluggable optics in small form factors such as ZR and ZR+ and its introduction in routers. 

In this regard, Telefonica will unveil their conclusions about internal benchmarking activities to qualify optical coherent pluggables in their networks and share with the audience their prevision of the impact this technology can make in the upcoming years.

Cayetano Carbajo picture
Cayetano Carbajo
11:00 — 11:30
Mainstage Day 1: Panel 1: Open Transport – State of the Business

The Auditorium

OOPT leadership represented by Telia Company, Telefónica, Vodafone and MTN Group as co-chairs of the project group will represent the community and will present their vision about the current landscape and future outlook for open and disaggregated solutions in transport networks. 

Moreover, the panel will introduce provoking questions such as which are the most significant barriers to the widespread adoption of open technologies and what is being done in open communities such OOPT in TIP to overcome these?

The audience will benefit from an insider’s overview of the commercial and technical benefits of existing open optical transport deployments and their target benefits and prospects for the next few years.

Cayetano Carbajo picture
Cayetano Carbajo
11:30 — 12:00
Mainstage Day 1: Panel 2: Open RAN State of Buisness - Regional Updates and Case Studies

The Auditorium

Sadayuki Abeta picture
Sadayuki Abeta
Caroline Chan picture
Caroline Chan
12:00 — 12:30
Mainstage Day 1: Panel 3: OpenWiFi State of Business: Deployment Case Studies and Impact

The Auditorium

OpenWiFi deployments have gained significant traction globally since its launch in 2021, with increasing adoption across various sectors and continued technological advancements. The open-source, community-driven nature of OpenWiFi is enabling more flexible, cost-effective, and innovative Wi-Fi solutions worldwide. This panel will showcase the latest developments in enterprise, hospitality, MDU, MVNO, and carrier offload verticals.

Monica Paolini picture
Monica Paolini
Ciara McCarthy picture
Ciara McCarthy
12:30 — 14:00
Networking Lunch and Acceleration Stage

The Forum

14:00 — 15:30
TIP OOPT Session

Wicklow Hall 2a

Arturo Mayoral López de Lerma  picture
Arturo Mayoral López de Lerma 
14:00 — 15:30
Status of Open RAN

Wicklow Hall 2b

Join us at FYUZ for an in-depth session on the status of Open RAN, hosted by the Telecom Infra Project (TIP). This session will explore regional adoption, policy support, and ecosystem growth under the theme "Driving Open RAN Volume." We will compare past Open RAN forecasts with actual deployments and discuss the enabling factors for Open RAN in detail. The discussions will cover the shift from single-vendor to multi-vendor environments, the strategies for transitioning from purpose-built RAN to Cloud RAN platforms, and TIP's efforts in bringing the community together to accelerate Open RAN deployments.

14:00 — 15:30
The Voice of Cities: Future Needs Led by City of Dublin

Wicklow Hall 1

Jamie Cudden picture
Jamie Cudden
Luke Kehoe picture
Luke Kehoe
15:30 — 16:00
Networking Break and Acceleration Stage

The Forum

16:00 — 17:30
TIP OOPT Session

Wicklow Hall 2a

16:00 — 17:30
Navigating Innovation: The Road Ahead for the TIP Telco AI PG

Wicklow Hall 1

4:00 PM  -  4:20 PM    TelcoAI PG Progress
4:20 PM  -  4:50 PM    AI use cases, reference architecture and software framework
4:50 PM  -  5:20 PM    OEM vendors vision for AI in Telco and example deployments
5:20 PM  -  5:30 PM    Closing

Geetha Ram picture
Geetha Ram
Olli Andersson picture
Olli Andersson
Elad Blatt picture
Elad Blatt
16:00 — 17:30
Certification/Open RAN

Wicklow Hall 2b

16:00 — 17:30
Future Networks: RAN Efficiency in Partnership with CONNECT

Liffey Hall 1

17:30 — 18:30
Happy Hour sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Level 5 Foyer

Enjoy great networking with the added perks of some drinks and nosh!


08:00 — 09:00
Workshops (How to buy: OOPT) Acceleration stage

The Forum

09:00 — 10:00
Networking Breakfast and Acceleration Stage

The Forum

10:00 — 10:20
Mainstage Day 2: Case Study 1: AT&T/Vodafone/DT Certification Fireside Chat

The Auditorium

Francisco Martin Pignatelli picture
Francisco Martin Pignatelli
10:20 — 10:30
Mainstage Day 2: Case study 2: IP Infusion and NTT Unveil the Next Steps in Telecom Innovation through TIP

The Auditorium

Last year, it was announced that IP Infusion would provide technical support to realize NTT Corporation (NTT)’s IOWN concept. As a result of the partnership, NTT, IP Infusion and third-party optics vendors are working together to accelerate the realization of IPoDWDM architectures through different IOWN Global Forum and TIP OOPT activities meanwhile IP Infusion starting to commercialize their bundled solution.

During this joint presentation, IP Infusion and NTT will share the following:

How IP Infusion and NTT are working together to deliver IOWN, which blends advanced technologies to enhance telecom networks, focusing on cost efficiency and streamlined operations.

The outcome of TIP MANTRA IPoDWDM Proof of Concept.

The successful outcomes of showcasing the integration of 400G transceivers using standard open interfaces.

Future goals are to enhance compatibility and ease of operation across various systems.

Attendees will understand how advancements from IP Infusion and NTT can streamline your operations and contribute to significant cost savings.

Atsushi Ogata picture
Atsushi Ogata
Hideki Nishizawa picture
Hideki Nishizawa
10:30 — 10:40
Mainstage Day 2: Case study 3: BT and TIP on ARIANE

The Auditorium

Kevin Holley picture
Kevin Holley
Vishal Mathur picture
Vishal Mathur
10:40 — 10:50
Mainstage Day 2: Case Study 4: Telus and Samsung Deploying Multi-vendor Open RAN

The Auditorium

Bernard Bureau picture
Bernard Bureau
Stephen Wiktorski picture
Stephen Wiktorski
10:50 — 11:00
Mainstage Day 2: Case Study 5

The Auditorium

11:00 — 11:30
Mainstage Day 2: Panel 1: Operational Challenges on the Procurement Process of Disaggregated Technologies

The Auditorium

Panel discussion about the procurement process of disaggregated technologies and the role of system integrators on it (highly interested to showcase these problems in emerging markets). Which are the challenges observed in real deployments when it enters on assuring hardware stock to customers, and offering buying customers (operators, infra providers) end of life replacement of kit (gateways, transponders, routers).

Kelly LeBlanc picture
Kelly LeBlanc
Alan Fagan picture
Alan Fagan
Sanjay Kumar picture
Sanjay Kumar
Nanda Ravindran picture
Nanda Ravindran
11:30 — 12:00
Mainstage Day 2: Panel 2: Industrializing Open Transport and IPoDWDM

The Auditorium

This panel will discuss the operational challenges and headwinds faced by Multi-Vendor Open Optical initiatives and try to shed some light on whether the emergence of IP over DWDM optical interfaces seated directly on the subtending router might become the application which definitely pushes forward the wide deployment of Multi-Vendor Open Optical networks.

Francois Moore picture
Francois Moore
12:00 — 12:30
Mainstage Day 2: Panel 3: Enhancing Connectivity with Neutral Host and Infra Sharing Business Models

The Auditorium

Experts from around the Globe will discuss the benefits, challenges, and prospects of neutral host business models and infrastructure sharing, highlighting their potential to drive efficiency, reduce costs, and accelerate network deployments.


Dean Bubley picture
Dean Bubley
Brendan O'Reilly picture
Brendan O'Reilly
Jennifer Artley picture
Jennifer Artley
12:30 — 14:00
Networking Lunch and Acceleration Stage: Amdocs Session

The Forum

14:00 — 15:30
Ericsson Open RAN

Liffey Hall 1

Panel 1: Predicting the exact evolution of Open RAN by 2025 is challenging, as the technology landscape and market dynamics are subject to various factors. However, based on current trends and industry developments, several potential directions for the evolution of Open RAN by 2025 can be considered, and this will of course vary between regions in terms of underlying factors, such as network architecture, competition, business needs, regulator/government, etc.

Panel 2: Open RAN is driving innovation in the telecommunications industry by promoting vendor interoperability and flexibility. The introduction of rApps fosters the development of new functionalities, and by that creating a dynamic network environment. Additionally, Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) enables efficient deployment and operation of network functions and services across multiple vendors and domains, ensuring the flexibility and interoperability of Open RAN networks. These advancements are reshaping telecommunications infrastructure and paving the way for a more agile and competitive industry.


Lindsay Beall picture
Lindsay Beall
14:00 — 15:30
TIP OOPT Session

Wicklow Hall 2a

14:00 — 15:30
TIP Session

Wicklow Hall 1

15:30 — 16:00
Networking Break and Acceleration Stage

The Forum

16:00 — 17:30
TIP OOPT Session

Wicklow Hall 2a

16:00 — 17:30
Neutral-Host Networks and Infra-Sharing Developments

Wicklow Hall 1

Sylvie Lienard picture
Sylvie Lienard
Mikael Lundman picture
Mikael Lundman
Juan De Miguel picture
Juan De Miguel
Tadhg Kenny picture
Tadhg Kenny
David Nowicki picture
David Nowicki
Dean Bubley picture
Dean Bubley
Luke Kehoe picture
Luke Kehoe
Shirish Nagaraj picture
Shirish Nagaraj
Daniel Herb picture
Daniel Herb
Andy Penley picture
Andy Penley
Kunal Bajaj picture
Kunal Bajaj
16:00 — 17:30

Wicklow Hall 2b

Patrick Lopez picture
Patrick Lopez
Abdel Bagegni picture
Abdel Bagegni
16:00 — 17:30
Future Networks: Are we ready for the AI Tsunami? in partnership with CONNECT

Liffey Hall 1

The recent wave of Generative AI applications is taking the world by storm. As we look to get the most value from these new tools, these applications are increasingly using video and other technologies that demand higher capacity and lower latency. At the same time core networks are already being restructured to support the flow of data across data center interconnect (DCI) systems to better support the heavy training workloads. This session will examine these changes and discuss the potential for building tools within networks to better support AI applications and the use of AI in networks including 6G.

17:30 — 18:30
Happy Hour Sponsored by Dell Technologies

Level 5 Foyer

Enjoy great networking with the added perks of some drinks and nosh!


09:00 — 10:00
Networking Breakfast and Acceleration Stage

The Forum

10:00 — 10:10
Mainstage Day 3: Case Study: Orange

The Auditorium

10:10 — 10:40
Mainstage Day 3: Panel 1: Role of automation in telecom

The Auditorium

Francisco Martin Pignatelli picture
Francisco Martin Pignatelli
10:40 — 11:10
Mainstage Day 3: Panel 2: Operator Vision: Transforming Future Networks with AI

The Auditorium

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to transform the Telecom Industry. Generative AI and Telco based LLMs are transforming Customer Services, Operations and Network Management while AI is being utilized in the far edge and even at Wireless Air Interface. Telcos are in a position to leverage their infrastructure for new AI services and offer AI infrastructure and services also to their B2B customers. 

This panel will discuss AI implementation strategies of the leading operators and how the telecom industry should embrace AI.


11:10 — 11:40
Mainstage Day 3: Panel 3: Evolving Infrastructure for AI in Telecoms

The Auditorium

Gilles Garcia picture
Gilles Garcia
Cristina Rodriguez picture
Cristina Rodriguez
Geetha Ram picture
Geetha Ram
11:40 — 12:10
Mainstage Day 3: Panel 4: TelcoAI and Cloud: Balancing Cloud and On-Prem Solutions

The Auditorium

12:10 — 12:40
Mainstage Day 3: Panel 5: QoE

The Auditorium

12:40 — 12:45
Mainstage Day 3: TIP Closing Remarks

The Auditorium

Kristian Toivo picture
Kristian Toivo
12:45 — 14:00
Networking Lunch and Acceleration Stage

The Forum

14:00 — 15:30
TIP Session

Wicklow Hall 2a

14:00 — 15:30
Telco AI: Operator Insights: Case Studies of Telco AI Implementations

Wicklow Hall 1

2:00 PM  -  2:10 PM    State of the market: AI in Telecoms
2:10 PM  -  2:45 PM    Panel: AI for Operations and efficiency
2:45 PM  -  3:20 PM    Panel: New services/use cases enabled by AI
3:20 PM  -  3:30 PM    Closing and wrap-up

14:00 — 15:30

Wicklow Hall 2b

This session will explore the current status and future potential of RIC globally, focusing on its critical role in the Open RAN ecosystem. The ARIANE project by TIP aims to enhance operator trust in RIC applications, driving development and improving standards for interface design and security. Attendees will gain insights into regional adoption, the integration of AI and ML for optimized network performance, and the development of xApps and rApps ecosystems. Key objectives include understanding the strategic importance of RIC in Open RAN deployments, recognizing the benefits of a multi-vendor approach, and learning about TIP's efforts in fostering a robust certification framework. Takeaways will include practical knowledge on the latest advancements in RIC technology, its impact on network efficiency and automation, and the growing ecosystem of interoperable solutions.

Patrick Lopez picture
Patrick Lopez
14:00 — 15:30
Future Networks: Confluent Technologies (for 6G networks) in partnership with CONNECT

Liffey Hall 1

As we look ahead toward 6G there is interest in moving beyond the network convergence that has been worked on for more than a decade and implementing true confluence in which radio, optical and data systems integrate to deliver end to end AI applications. Using a confluence of high capacity sub-terahertz and free space optical fixed wireless together with open and disaggregated optical and data networks will enable a meshed edge to realize cell-free wireless networks with high speeds and low latency. Building in distributed sensing systems will provide another layer of environmental awareness that will further enhance reliability.

15:30 — 16:00
Networking Break and Acceleration Stage

The Forum

16:00 — 17:30
TIP Session

Wicklow Hall 2a

16:00 — 17:30
TIP Session 2

Wicklow Hall 2b

16:00 — 17:30
Telco AI: Transformation in Telecom: Startup Pitches and Vendor Case Studies

Wicklow Hall 1

17:30 — 18:30
Networking Break

The Forum

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